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Directed by Han Tang

Cast: Amanda Gould, Anna Czerniecki, Bingyu Wang, Bob Mills, Garrett White, Jaime Barcelon, Jansen Lashley-Haynes, Jo Mei, Lee Chen, Nicola Pieper, Nija Okoro, Ryden White, Ting Song, Xiaowan Jin

Chloe is a 6-year-old first-grader. Her mom works as a frontline doctor who treats COVID patients and has to quarantine herself when she comes home from work. Chloe’s grandma is taking care of her, but Chloe is not happy about it. She misses her mom, hates zoom classes, and hates her grandma’s cooking. Chloe’s grandma is scared to go to the grocery store because of the rise of hate crimes toward Asian elders. When Chloe accidentally ate the dumplings grandma made for her mom’s birthday, she came up with a “creative solution” to fix the mishap so they can celebrate her mom’s birthday. To her surprise, this “solution” opened up a pandora’s box of things she’s still too young to understand. Nonetheless, Chloe grown up quite a bit within a day.

Plays in

Dates & Times


Eaton Workshop Cinema

Sun, Jul 16
11:00 am